Valentine Day event cover by Dave Curtis. The lower left and upper right corners are creased. Post..
Valentine Day event cover by Dave Curtis. Postmark State: TX City: Valentine Year: 2020 Month: 2 ..
Valentine Day event cover by Dave Curtis. The upper right corner is creased and lower center and be..
Valentine Day event cover by Dave Curtis. Postmark State: WY City: Hartville Year: 2020 Month: 2 ..
Valentine's Day 2011 event cover by Julian and Sharon Pugh. This cover is 2 of 24. Pugh's informat..
Valentine's Day 2011 event cover by Julian and Sharon Pugh. This cover is 19 of 21. Pugh's informa..
50th anniversary of VE Day event cover by S & T Cachets. Postmark State: DC City: Washington Year: 1..
Verdon Virginia last day cover by Eric H Lewis. Postmark State: VA City: Verdon Year: 1954 Month: 10..
William J. Everett event cover commemorating Veteran's Day - George S. Patton. Postmark State: CA Ci..
William J. Everett event cover commemorating Veteran's Day - George S. Patton. The corners are creas..
William J. Everett event cover commemorating Veteran's Day. There are indentations to the left of th..
William J. Everett naval cover commemorating Veterans Day. Postmark State: FL City: Ocala Year: 2011..
Virginia state quarter official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The upper and right edges are cr..
Washington - Common Alpine Butterfly commemorative cover issued to commemorate the Butterflies of th..
70th anniversary - Wake Island event cover by Dave Curtis. Postmark State: VA City: Alton Year: 201..
Waldheim Louisiana last day cover by Eric H Lewis. Postmark State: LA City: Waldheim Year: 1954 Mont..
80th anniversary of the War of theWorlds broadcast by Orson Welles Event Cover by S & T Cachets. The..
80th anniversary of the War of theWorlds broadcast by Orson Welles event cover by S & T Cachets. Pos..
Washington Nationals Home Opener Event Cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #16 of 25. Postmark Stat..
Washington Nationals Home Opener Event Cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #100 of 112. Postmark St..
Washington quarter official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the original sealed ..
West Haven California last day cover by Eric H Lewis. The edges are creased. Postmark State: CA City..
West Virginia quarter event cover by Triple W Cachets. The edges are creased and the flap is sealed ..
West Virginia quarter official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the original seal..
William Henry Harrison dollar official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the orig..
William McKinley dollar official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the original s..
1988 Winter Olympics Opening event cover by Clarence Reid. The corners are creased. Postmark State: ..
WiscoPex - 32dn Red Arrow Infantry event cover by Dave Curtis. The right corners are creased. Post..
Womack Hill Alabama last day cover by Eric H Lewis. The edges are creased and the flap was sealed an..
Woodstock anniversary cover by Dave Curtis. The lower left corner and upper center and upper right ..
World Columbian Stamp Exposition event cover by C. W. Ray. The lower left and upper right corners a..
West Virginia - Gray Hairstreak Butterfly commemorative cover issued to commemorate the Butterflies ..
Wyoming - Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly commemorative cover issued to commemorate the Butterflies o..
Wyoming quarter official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the original sealed pac..
Last baseball game at Yankee Stadium event cover by Kendal Bevil - H & M Covers. This cover is #89 o..
Last baseball game at Yankee Stadium event cover by Kendal Bevil - H & M Covers. This cover is #14 o..
Last baseball game at Yankee Stadium event cover by Kendal Bevil - H & M Covers. This cover is #27 ..
Chinese New Year celebration - Year of the Boar event cover by American First Day Cover Society - CE..
Chinese New Year celebration - Year of the Boar event cover by R. C. Graebner AFDCS Chapter #17. The..
Zachary Taylor dollar official commemorative cover by the US Mint. The cover is in the original sea..