United States first day covers from the 2000's.
#3052E Pink Rose first day cover by Artopages. The upper left corner is creased. Postmark State: N..
#3052E Pink Rose first day cover by an unknown cachetmaker. Postmark State: NY City: New York Year:..
#3052E Pink Rose first day cover by Dave Curtis. The lower left corner is creased. Postmark State: N..
#3052E Pink Rose first day cover by Edken. The right corners and upper and lower center edges are cr..
#3052E Pink Rose first day cover by House of Farnam. Postmark State: NY City: New York Year: 2000 ..
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Artmaster. The upper left ed..
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century first day cover by House of Farnam. Postmark St..
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century add-on first day cover by Melissa Fox. Postmar..
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century add-on first day cover by Melissa Fox. Postmar..
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Hank Mezzack - H & M Covers...
#3190a Space Shuttle Program - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Panda Cachets - LRC. Postma..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Artcraft. There is creasing above the..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #6 of 10...
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Artmaster. The upper center edge is c..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #7 of 200..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Fred Collins. Scott and Collins numb..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century silk first day cover by Colorano. The upper center edge..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Covercraft Cachets. Date and origina..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by House of Farnam. Postmark State: FL ..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Fleetwood. The upper right edge and ..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Mystic Stamp Company. Postmark State..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century First day cover by Julian and Sharon Pugh. This cover i..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Pyrrhus. The upper right corner is c..
#3190b Musical CATS - Celebrate the Century first day cover by RRAGS. Postmark State: FL City: Titu..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Artmaster. Postmark State: FL..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #1..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #7..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Danny Cole. The lower left edg..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Fred Collins. Postmark State: ..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century silk first day cover by Colorano. Postmark State..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Covercraft Cachets. Date and ..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Dynamite Covers. Postmark Sta..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by House of Farnam. Postmark Sta..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Fleetwood. Postmark State: FL..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Juvelar. Postmark State: FL C..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Mystic Stamp Company. Postmar..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century First day cover by Julian and Sharon Pugh. This ..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by RRAGS. The upper corners are ..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Shadow. Postmark State: FL Ci..
#3190c San Francisco 49ers - Celebrate the Century first day cover by William Smith II. Postmark Sta..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Alto. The upper right corner is..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Anagram Cachets. Postmark Stat..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Artcraft. The upper right corne..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #1 ..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Artmaster. The upper center edg..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century First Day Cover by Kendal Bevil. This cover is #2..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Barry and Gerry Covers - BGC. ..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Barry and Gerry Covers - BGC. P..
#3190d Hostages Come Home - Celebrate the Century first day cover by Danny Cole. There are staple h..